Ideation Lab » Lab Safety

Lab Safety

The Ideation Labs at ROC & CTEC require users to be appropriately trained prior to using the lab. All users must follow lab safety protocols, adhere to all lab rules, procedures, protocols, and accept the risk of using the lab. 
General safety training must be completed prior to using the lab. General training must be conducted by an Ideation Lab staff member. To book an introduction and safety training session, please select from the following lab locations:
General training uses the following training PowerPoint, kept as Google docs and available to all instructors and lab staff:

Waiver of Liability

Upon completion of general safety training, users must read, agree to and sign the “Ideation Lab Usage Agreement and Waiver of Liability.” Signed waivers are kept on file in the lab for reference. Waivers can be signed and emailed to the ROC Ideation Lab staff or the CTEC Ideation Lab staff. Another option for users is to sign the waiver during the scheduled lab reservation time.